Monday, March 23, 2009

God worked a miracle in Cody.

Well, it's been a crazy 6 months here in the Martin household! Our poor lil' Cody has been struggling with Pneumonia and breathing problems for some time now. After 6 nights of 24 hour rooming in with the baby... not knowing "what" was exactly wrong with him... I just asked God to take control! None of the doctors or nurses could tell me "why" things were happening like they were. There were tests performed because they thought that Cody's little body would soon just "give up". All of the uncertainty & tearful days/nights made me realize that I needed to put 100% of my trust in Christ-- in that HE knew what was best! All of this was a wake up call for me as a mommy. I couldn't take away the pain from my sweet baby but GOD could... and He DID! Your prayers and God's strength truely got us through this rough time. Cody is a fighter and he brings so much joy to my life. Like the ER nurses said a couple months ago, "Cody is a fighter... he is TURBO!" Well, I'm glad to say that after all that he has gone through... Cody still puts a SMILE =) on his little face. Here are a few clips from his hospital stay the last day and his "coming home"! Again, thanks for all of your prayers... it meant a lot!

1 comment:

  1. A GREAT video! I cried, Praying for continued recovery and blessings on your family. We love you!


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